Welcome to thenumbereleven.org
RSS Feed
There is now an RSS feed for the homepage. You can find the icon to the right of the title.
Gopher Server Finally Live
After years of procrastination I've finally mirrored the entire site on the gopher server!
Hiatus (again)
A little over a year later and we're back up and running. I moved again and am hosting on a VPS for the time being. Maybe I'll finally get around to that Halloween theme now.
After a roughly six or seven month hiatus, thenumbereleven.org is finally back. We at the Society apologize for any inconveniences this may have caused.
Redesign Rollout
Welcome to the new thenumbereleven.org. This new layout's not 100% complete but it's much better than the first layout, so it still seems like a good time to deploy it. The navigation bar's search is still a mere placeholder but at some point it'll work for local site search and/or a Searx instance. There are also new links to downloadable/printable versions of each page in the right side of the footer that currently just 404.
As stated in the previous post, for years this website served only as a layout for when I wanted to actually host a website. Funny enough, now that I'm hosting content I'm changing the layout.
Thenumbereleven.org has been under my thumb as a domain since 2013. In more recent years, it had a basic layout filled with lorem ipsum as a placeholder for my lack of content. 26 May, 2021 marks the real birth of this place as a website—the date I started hosting real pages.